mexican slang dictionary

Literally to eat clown. Either in the physical sense, or in competition. Tropa del Infierno noun A special forces-style militia, or armed group, pertaining to the Cartel del Noroeste. "La luz esta en roja, pero no viene nadie. Buen pedo adj A good person. Chamba mata grilla expression The proposal that it is more important to work hard than to complain and fight. e.g. La neta ests chavo. e.g. Ese personal pronoun A very chicano way of saying him, or that guy. 41 noun A homosexual. Servidor(a) noun A reference to the first-person, i.e. e.g. People who grow up in a Mexican culture within the United States. ando bien crudo guey (Im very hungover, man). e.g. - Hey, can you help me? Choncho 1. adj Thick, or filled to bursting. Perro 1. So-called because they have run away from Mexico. Chingatelo/la: imperative 1. e.g. Knowing how and when to use them is part of understanding Mexican culture . Guarapo noun The act of fellatio. Esta tragando camote (Look at this idiot with the green light, but he isnt moving. Cacique noun A member of the economic ruling class, or landowning classes. Esta bien bueno. Date. Chilango (Someone from Mexico City) 10. Chaca noun (masculine) A gangster, or malandro from Mexico City. e.g. Literally, the water doesnt reach the cistern. Literally A cactus spine in the balls. Meridano noun A native of the city of Mrida. Tianguis noun A street market or flea market. adj Of a style pertaining to Mexican-American gang culture. Literally to be in the guava orchard. noun A monkey, or any species belonging to the primate genus. Close equivalent to "ghetto" in English. Popular Mexican Slang Click here for our most popular mexican slang. Ponerse trucha verb To change ones attitude to be more proactive. Que La exclam Used to espress ridicule at an individuals sensitivity, perniciousness or pedantry. La quiere peladita y en la boca expression Descriptive of a work-shy individual, who does not want to put in a lot of effort in order to achieve what they set out to do. Gringo Puetero (Yankee Tosser), as referenced in the Molotov hit song Frijolero. Harina noun Flour. Sape noun A firm telling off, or bollocking. ). 2. Literally, theres the potato. Chanchullo noun An agreement or deal reached under the table, or in a way that circumvents best business practice. Golfato noun A persons sharpened sense for easy women. We bring you more than 24,000 real definitions for over 17,000 slang words and phrases. Literally a cardboard palate. Its offensive as it makes reference to Mexicos patroness saint La Virgen de Guadalupe, or La Guadalupana, Lupe being the diminutive of her name Guadalupe. Equivalent: Godammit!, or Bollocks!. An Ox (castrated bull). Molar To like. Hacerle a la mamada verb To present a very ostentatious and hedonistic lifestyle. e.g. Llevar gallo verb To bring a musical troupe to a persons home, usually in the middle of the night, to serenade them. Explicar con peras y manzanas To explain something in a very basic way, to ensure people understand. e.g Su nuevo reloj es patito (His watch is an imitation). This is a dish inherited from Lebanese immigrant cuisine. e.g. English . Guajolotera noun A public bus which follows an informal start-stop route. Ver en espaol en Flaqueando verb To struggle. The original piatas are a ball with seven spikes protruding from them, designed to represent the seven deadly sins. noun Penis, in the region of the Yucatan Peninsula. Corunda noun A style of tamal originating from Michoacan, consisting of soft white corn dough, served with tomato sauce and cream. Learn Spanish. Petate noun A portable straw or palm mattress. 1. exclam No way! e.g. tobacco, cannabis, etc. Que choro nos ech! (What a load of bullshit he came out with! Diablito noun Electric power illicitly redirected from the main power grid. Best translated a blondie. noun Appellation referring to a young man, equivalent of dude, or mate. Zagun noun A large door or entrance. Ex. Lagunero noun A native of the city of Torren, Coahuila. ( Would anyone like to try my ceviche? In English, and equivalent expression is to have gotten the taste. e.g. Depending on the context, it can mean MXN$1, One Mexican Peso, or MXN$1,000, One Thousand Mexican Pesos. This is different from a quesadilla in that it is not folded. Flauta noun A deep-fried rolled-up taco, so called because it looks like a flute. (colloquial) (to abuse verbally) Meterse hasta la cocina expression Descriptive of someone or something which is very invasive or imprudent. Esa madre ya no sirve (That thing doesnt work anymore). However, there are many more varieties to be found around the harvest season of June/August: Reina, Morada, Apastillada, Burrona, Tapona, to name a few. The word has no reference to the exact age of an adult woman, it is used simply to indicate that the female in question is now considered an adult by the speaker. La Morena being the road (as in, the dark one) and being both flirty and slippery. Te escribo por whats (Ill write to you on WhatsApp). Koreans, Vietnamese, Mongolians, etc, are all lumped into this category. Coward. noun Mexico City. Ni de pedo exclam No way! Miedo no anda en burro expression Intended to tell someone not to be scared, in that donkeys supposedly are aniamsl which dont feel fear. Chilangolandia noun Mexico City. a garage door, or front gate. Reverendo Pelmazo title A despective term usted to refer to President Obrador by his detractors. Vocabulary quizzes are powered by SpanishDict's world-class Spanish-English dictionary. b. el argot (M) "Grass" is slang for "marijuana." "Grass" es "marijuana" en argot. A taco is a soft tortilla topped with any filling, which is picked up and consumed using the hand(s). Also Pueta. El Chapo is Un/El Choncho. Angelpolis noun A nickname for the city of Puebla. Shiv exclam Cheers in the Zapotec indigenous language, native to southern Oaxaca. or, To hell with it!. e.g. Spanish Slang Words | Stop talking like you're reading from a Spanish dictionary! Literally to not be left with any doubt. Auto Chocolate noun A vehicle registered in the United States, which is brought across the border without undergoing the proper import procedure, and is simply used in the border region. Ladronzuelo noun A professional mugger. Pipope noun Pejorative abbreviation for a native of Puebla State: Pinche Poblano Pendejo (Fucking Idiot from Puebla). To turn whatever you are eating into tacos by placing it inside a tortilla and eating it as such. Corazn de Pollo adj Descriptive of a person who is easily moved to tears, or is very affected by the suffering of others. e.g. Also Jalada. Nos metieron 6 goles, que putiza! (They put six goals past us. Hijo de la Chingada: noun/exclam. slang. No seas rajn. Literally To explain using apples and pears. e.g. Bara Bara! e.g. Partir la madre verb To beat the shit out of someone. Chile, mole y pozole expression An expression denoting that a person is not picky when it comes to food, as in theyll eat anything. adj Descriptive of the climate, when it is very hot and humid. Amanerado adj A man who has an effeminate manner, or camp. So called because it is most prominently felt when doing the motion of using a salt-shaker. Chinga tu Madre! e.g. Haz patria, mata a un chilango expression Common expression comically noting ones dislike of the chilangos, or Mexico City natives. Batucada noun The moment during a party (usually a Quinceaera or a wedding) in which party favors such as fancy dress, balloons, or other fun items, are distributed amongst guests. Literally, to save their gullets. Recio adj Powerful or strong in somethings makeup. Chancla If you've ever been hit with a flip flop by your Mexican aunt or mother, then you know the meaning of chancla. Dar Culo verb Of something to make a person nervous or scared. After a heavy drinking session, clients would buy their te-por-ocho pesos in the street in the hope of mitigating their hangovers. 2. noun A good friend or personal acquaintance in whom one has confidence. Guayabo, estar en el expression Of an enamoured individual, to be in the honeymoon or crazy love period of a romantic relationship, oftne used in connection with regular sexual activity. noun The figure of Death. Quesillo noun Oaxaca cheese. Dar la cara verb In a situation of conflict or disagreement, of a party to present themselves in person to respond. exclam Inoffensive way of expressing annoyance or frustration. This is because in past years, suitors were not permitted inside the home to visit, and so spent their time wooing their beloved from the front railings (reja) of her house. the speaker referring to himself or herself. CJNG acronym Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. Chale exp An expression of disappointment or frustration. Ap noun North Mexican way of saying Pap (father). Mexican Slang Words Spanish slang words in Mexico are used every day. Al pedo adj Alert, or up to speed with a given topic. Not applicable in the context of tipping a waiter. Entrn/a noun An individual who is quick to anger and physical violence. Also Frenar los tacos. A contestants turn at beating the piata lasts as long as it takes their friends to sing the song: Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas de tino; porque si lo pierdes, pierdes tu camino; ya le diste uno, ya le diste dos; ya le diste tres, y tu tiempo se acab!. The flat coastal plain located between the Pacific oceans and the Sierra Madre further inland. Practice Spanish vocabulary with SpanishDict's interactive vocabulary quiz feature. masculine noun 3. Godn noun A person who works in an office from 9am to 5pm. This example is not recommended unless you are a regular and well-known patron of the establishment. e.g. Concede cambio de luces A road sign commonly seen on federal highways asking motorists to be considerate of their headlights when passing oncoming vehicles. Que hueva. (I have to go to Mexico City tomorrow. 1. would make for the ideal response. 3 Bs expression The three Bs of making any successful purchase are that it be bueno, bonito, y barato good, handsome, and cheap. e.g. e.g. A very beautiful and typically-Mexican expression. The Online Colloquial Dictionary for having a good time. el camin bus e.g. Chinga tu madre! Hacer con las nalgas verb To do something in a slap-dash, or low-quality, manner. Also el del estribo. e.g. Most of the time, a naco acts unpleasantly, is not well-educated and uses certain colorful slang. Echar la mano verb To help someone. Estribo, el del noun The final beverage of a drinking session. V Pequeo noun The letter V. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. Gila noun Also; loba, vampira, gatita, zorra. a) A bad person, or idiot. Vali (Madre) exclam Descriptive of a thing which is finished, or broken. e.g. It's been good to use occasionally. "Meksikano, which is then abbreviated to chicano. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. Comes from the Nahuatl word for sauce. Es neta?' = 'I heard you were pregnant. Best translated as Ah Fuck! Most common filling it ham and cheese. Manotazo noun A proverbial slap on the wrist. transitive verb 2. Esa chava es mi novia. Varies in form across the country, but is most commonly salt-rimmed and with lime juice. Pepenar verb To search through a large array of things for something specific. Puetero noun A wanker in British English. Que Cura! (What a laugh!). Most often heard in modern world during Temazcal. El nuevo iPhone esta muy perro.. Montado noun A dish typical to northern Mexico, particularly Chihuahua, in which beans and cheese are sandwiched between two flour tortillas, and then topped with a filling, creating what is essentially a stuffed double-tortilla taco. An idiot. A debate rages in Mexico over whether its possible to prepare a Quesadilla without cheese. Palero noun An individual who is quick, or easily convinced, to change their allegiances. Ese profesion es mi gallo (This is the profession I want to be in). Therefore, chamarra can be the safer of the two words. Literally to reveal the copper, given that in comparison to gold, which is of a similar colour, copper is a baser metal. Banter. slang word palabra f del argot, palabra f argtica or jergal. Asafata noun An air hostess. Te mamaste expression Saying meaning that the subject has gone beyond the normal boundaries, in either a good or bad sense. noun A hot flush, most commonly used for the symptoms of female menopause. Defeo An antiquated term for a native of Mexico City, given that the capital state was once named Distrito Federal. e.g. Pata de Perro noun A pejorative description of a member of the Mexican Armed Forces. noun An U.S. citizen, most commonly of European descent. Pronounced like the name. Asagata noun A rude version of Asafata. Often spelled Carambolo in Western Mexico. A thief is agazapado. A commonly used term in Mexican slang, neta translates roughly to 'truth' or 'really? Synonym of Chingn. Some in Mexico still refer to the capital by its original name. Commonly eaten in Mexico and the wider region. An individual who one cannot take seriously. However, in Mexico the word specifically refers to wheat flour. Fraile noun A Campeche dessert consisting of meringue and fried churro-like tortilla, stuffed either with coconut or Edam cheese. A journalist who accepts such money is known as a chayotero. Wrestlers are divided between rudos and tecnicos. e.g. Mexicans have a great love for this vechile given that it is robust, and almost never fails. Monda noun Penis. Comedic term for the Diana the Huntress statue, which is a common sight in Mexican cities, given that the figure is bare-breasted. Cohete noun A pistol. e.g. b. nappy (United Kingdom) e.g. El tiene un chingo de dinero (He has a lot of money), Duele un chingo (It hurts a lot). The expression comes from the Mexican-American war (1846-1848) in which the U.S. Army infantry uniforms were coloured green, giving rise to the pidgin English saying among the Mexican population Green Go Home, which was shorted to Gringo. Bochinchear verb To make a ruckus, or commotion, often in the context of the consumption of alcohol. Palanca noun A friendship or contact on the inside, which facilitates ones business or activities. Al Gusto adj Usually referring to food, prepared in the style which the diner desires. Chingar verb. Malaguea, a la expression Something which is done in a deceptive, or cheating, manner. e.g. Batear verb To reject something or someone. ndale exclam 1. This uncouth practice has since become synonymous with being a loser.. : exclam Common insult which is relatively self explanatory. (jargon) a. la jerga (F) You'll never catch me wearing a hoodie and trying to talk slang with teenagers.Nunca me vers con una sudadera y tratando de hablar con los adolescentes en su jerga. Se infect con Covid, y le carg el payaso (He was infected with Covid, and kicked the bucket). Something which a person might say they would eat with their eyes. noun A despective term for an uneducated or unsophisticated person. Best example are street tacos. Literally: you say tomato, and I make the sauce. Literally Dont search for tits on a snake. The etymology of the word comes from the Nahuatl term Chilantzin, meaning foreigner or stranger. Literally to carry the cross. 2. noun A disgraceful thing or act. Sort the table columns by country, language, or title. Also gringo. Te mando un whats (Ill send you a WhatsApp message). Chayote noun Money given (usually by governments or authorities) to journalists in exchange for favourable coverage. Generic term for an adult woman, or women. Literally a dogs paw. Take the money, or get shot. This phrase comes from a brand of unfiltered cigarettes named Faros (Lighthouses), which were rolled in a specific paper, which smokers found pleasant to lick before lighting up. Hes not paying attention.). Cana al aire noun A non-committal sexual fling. is correct, while Quin pomp las chelas is not. It can also be used to call someone a "bro", or, in general, refer to a guy. Frijoles chinos noun Colloquial term for refried beans. i.e. A drinking session. Por fis exclam Colloquial, abbreviated or cute, way of saying Por Favor (Please). Caparazn noun The hard skin or armour of an animal. Also Zape. Joven, le encargo la cuenta, y las de la casa, por favor (Waiter, please can we have the check, and the final drinks on the house). Also kiosko in smaller towns. Botana noun A snack, or starter course. The city of Tapachula considers itself La Perla del Soconusco (The Pearl of the Soconusco). 2. noun In a similar vein, AMLO supporters who take to dogpiling (mass online abuse) critics of the Mexican Presidents administration or politcs. See also Pelo Chino. Take it, so you can bless yourself). Prstame quinientos varos guey. 2. noun One. exclam Traditionally shouted when cash falls to the floor, often in the form of coins, signifying a free-for-all in that whoever grabs the money keeps what they gather. Mayalandia noun Affectionate nicknames for the southeast of Mexico, i.e. e.g. Bocho noun A Volkswagen Beetle car. See this report for more information on Escamoles. Paladar de Cartn noun Descriptive of a person with poor taste in food. To take more than is ones fair share. Literally something for a soda. Literally, give it to yourself.. El wey es un patn. (The guys an asshole). Chipotle noun A Jalapeo chilli pepper, which has been allowed to mature to its final red colour (usually, they are picked while still green), and then put through a process of smoking and curing, to obtain a final product. Escamol noun Ant larvae which are eaten, most commonly in the Bajo region of the country. pendejo is a spanish slang word for idiot,stupid or dumass. Wey - "Dude" Let's start with the most common Mexican slang term. Calli noun Nahuatl word for house. The majority of crimes using vehicles committed in Mexicos side of the U.S. border region are done using autos chocolates. Temazcal noun A prehispanic steam bath, in which a brew of herbs is poured over hot volcanic stones. A shag. pale, pallid complexion. Piscar verb In northwestern Mexican indigenous communities (among whom are the Raramuri) To consume the Peyote cactus (containing mescaline) in ritual ceremony. You're a kid, to be honest. Neta noun An unequivocal truth. Se lo ech al plato (She fucked him). Fichar verb To pay for someone elses bill. that word is slang esa palabra es del argot. e.g. Asumakina exclam A more polite way of saying A su madre! Echar al plato verb To have sex with someone; literally to put them on your plate, in the context of the phrase andarse comiendo. I-Latino noun The letter I. It can also be used alongside articles, but is it incorrect to use the determiner (el/la). I-Griega noun The letter Y. It would be extremely ill-advised to refer to an air hostess in this way. Cakito noun A young thug or would-be gangster. Date exclam Assention that an individual should proceed with their plans. . Wife, girlfriend, or long-term partner. A style of music originating in the north of the country, in which brass, wind and percussion instruments are key. Ojete noun Asshole, given that the technical meaning of the word is a circular perforation or opening. Often used in terms of business sense. Most often heard as the phrase Me caga(s). An asshole in American. Verde a common sauce with a tomatillo (green tomato) base. Putiza noun A ferocious beating. Chido Chido means cool, awesome. Jovenazo noun Term used to describe a virile or energetic young person. Me Mama exclam A rude expression synonymous with Me Gusta (I like it). In U.S. slang, this term is translated into the pejorative wetback. Mariconada noun A man bag. e.g. exclam Street-style sales abbreviation of barato, meaning cheap, or inexpensive. Ojo Rojo noun The Yucatan regional term for Clamato Preparado. Porra noun A chant. Me tiene hasta la madre (Im completely sick of it). Iban a ganar, hasta que el portero la cag (They were going to win, until the goalkeeper fucked up). Horchata noun A popular beverage made from the starchy water resulting from the boiling of rice, which is sweetened for consumption. Tends to be regional term to Chilangos. Chingadera: Something without value or importance. e.g. 4 Mexican Spanish Slang Dictionaries (in Spanish) 1. Pinole noun A dry mix of ground corn flour, sugar, cinnamon and other spices, which can be either eaten on its own, or mixed with liquid to make atole. Hasta la Madre adj An emotional state of frustration with someone or something. e.g. Oye, me puedes ayudar? A rude expression, or curse-word. i.e. A dog. Comal noun The wide hotplate on which tortillas are cooked. All esta la papa expression Signifying the weakest link in any system. Nochtli noun The Tuna fruit in the Nahuatl language. slang ( slahng ) noun 1. e.g. Briago noun & adj Relatively old-fashioned word for a drunk, or alcoholic. FInd out here. Madre noun Common catch-all pronoun, as in a substitution for the actual noun for something which you might be referring to. See Chingar for context. adj Descriptive of an individual who is easy-going, happy or relaxed. noun A provincial term for a more densely populated urban area. Commonly eaten along the countrys southern Pacific Coast. Lencha noun Despective and offensive word for lesbian. Valedor noun A valued or respected acquaintance or friend. Tostn noun The monetary amount of fifty pesos. Que hubo exclalm Whats up? Echar Aguas verb To keep an eye out, or watch for approaching danger. Polaco expression An albur expression signifying anal sex. (Citations have been removed to resolve Google's penalty against this . e.g. i.e. Also Sape. Copili noun An Aztec, or indigenous, headdress. noun Chicano word for organised crime gangs in the U.S. of non-hispanic heritage. Oye y tu amigo el Cacas? (Oh, and what about that horrible friend of yours?). Tengo palanca (Ive got a guy). Say someone gives you some really great gossip; a wide-eyed neta? Al Pastor noun Pork loin marinated in chili, spices and vinegar, and then stacked Shawarma or Dner-style on a vertical spit. Cuira expression Hello in the Raramuri, or Tarahumara language of Chihuahua state. Zacate noun A provincial and agricultural term for weeds, or unwanted plant growth on a field. Chino noun Anyone of East Asian genetic origin. Dote noun A dowry paid by the grooms side of the family. On the Mexican Slang list by Thejugster, master each vocabulary translation via open input or multiple choice practice. muff. Fresa (Preppy) 5. Cejas Tepiteas noun False painted-on eyebrows, usually in a very garish style. e.g. Tapata/o A native of the city of Guadalajara. Se hizo en la casa de un servidor (It was done in my house). Equivalent of cheeky monkey. Also Fulana/o de tal. The country has about 60 kinds of corn, and the dark variety is a special treat when one can eat it. Thus, those members of the mountain peasant classes who became the barons of local narcotic production became known as buchnes (from buche, meaning throat) he of the swollen throat. Vamos al bar. La Guadalupana individual Mexicos patroness saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe. Padre adj Excellent, or of outstanding quality. e.g. Man up!). The abbreviated nickname of Graciela, is Chela, which therefore applies also to the slang for beer. e.g. Paracaidista noun An individual who arrives from another part of the country, usually a rural-to-urban migrant, who builds their home on a piece of land that does not belong to them. Cartel del Noroeste noun Organised crime organisation from Coahuila and Tamaulipas, dominating primarily the stretch of U.S. border from Piedras Negras to Ciudad Acua. e.g. Mexican Slang Dictionary Disclaimer: These translations and definitions have been done to the best of my knowledge, and without prejudice or malice. Jalas? i.e. Traeme la feria (Bring me the money). Enchilarse verb To overdo it on the spiciness of ones food, and suffer the effects. Nic Chac noun A Yucatan equivalent of escamol, but with wasp larvae rather than ants. Pinche 1. Most commonly found on the Pacific Coast. Can also be used in other contexts. Mixteco noun Indigenous peoples native to the northern sierras of Oaxaca state. Often used to express surprise at something of which one disapproves. The etymology of this slang stems from the name Graciela, which is similar enough to the word Cerveza to be substituted for it in slang vernacular. e.g. Rudo noun A heel in wrestling terms. Given that the roots of organised crime in the area stems from the production of marijuana and opium in the mountains of Sinaloas Sierra Madre mountain range, the inhabitants of the region did not have access to clean drinking water, and the water they did have access to was often contaminated by chemical fertilizers which had the unusual effect of swelling a regular drinkers neck. Buena Onda adj A person who is easygoing or pleasant to be with. expression Who paid? This expression is an irregular verb in that it has no real infinitive, or any other grammatical form other than the third-person past tense. Relleno noun Colloquial term for a King card in a deck of playing cards. Since these words refer to youth, Mexican speakers also use them to express that a person is naive or immature. Pasarse de Verga verb To overstep the line, to be cheeky, or do act in a way that is unacceptable or impolite. Me la pel (They performed fellatio upon me), exclam Offensive and aggressive insult. Tener la Estafeta expression To be in charge, literally to be holding the baton. Equivalent of let the cat out of the bag. Patinada verb The action of mopping ones plate after finishing a meal. PG Abbreviation of Peje, given that the letters themselves are pronounced Pe-Je. i.e. Jalisquillo noun A pejorative term for a native of the state of Jalisco, and often specifically the city of Guadalajara. English Slang. (absorbent garment) (Latin America) a. diaper (United States) Un beb recin nacido necesita muchos culeros.A newborn baby needs many diapers. Te crees muy muy (You think you're something special) Ese wey tiene el colmillo largo (That man has a great deal of experience in what he does). Charifete noun A bus driver. Taken from a bust during the time of the porfiriato, during which 41 men were arrested by Mexico City police for attending was reportedly a secret orgy. verb To enjoy oneself, or have a good time. That girl is my girlfriend. ongo noun A ramshackle dwelling built into the walls of the Tijuana River, where homeless people live. Mamn(a) An arrogant or conceited individual. Chido adj. Mames. Well if youve never had the real stuff, youll enjoy any old rubbish). e.g. Carnitas noun A preparation of pork in its confit (i.e. Regio noun A native of the city of Monterrey. Bohemia noun An evening of drinking, live music and signing with ones cuates the live music most often being supplied by the friend who plays an instrument. A su madre! Comes from the fact that anglophones pronounce their ethnicity as Meksicanos, therefore Ksicanos = Chicanos. Mira esa madre! (Look at this shit!). Hocico, Tener Caliente el expression Literally to have a warm snout, this in an expression used to denote a persons stage of enibriation, when after having had a few alcoholic drinks, to have a desire to drink more.

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mexican slang dictionary