composite chiron in 12th house

Hi Dawn, are you able to give me anymore insight or know where I might find more information about 12th house stellium in cancer planets are sun,moon,Mercury and Venus in my husband and my composite chart. I say empty.. no planet but Asteroid Osiris is 26 Aries. In composite we have north node in 12th. Is there something to be read from this cluster of planets in 12th house? I live a bliss and despair relation for about 2 years but definite we are totally different persons than before met each other (we are old enough!). Am i trapping my self? mars is trine composite sun, pluto, uranus jupiter and neptune- but square moon saturn. Can you say anything on the north node transiting the twelfth house on a composite? Any advice would be helpful. It isnt bad, its difficult. Im from a country in southamerica. Do you think perhaps its just the heavily dominated 12th house of our composite chart thats responsible for my belief that we may be twin flames? I use both in my practice. Through counseling she has discovered that her pattern of deception and maintaining an emotional distance from me stems from childhood. We communicated telepathically and still do. This is not only with regards to emotions but also physically. A Venus/Mars conjunction in Taurus can be a beautiful thing. Sense of self and feeling of completeness comes from your identification with the Divine. If the fears arent dealt with (and the fears include loss of all kinds), it can get projected and the world itself can become the enemy. It is SO powerful! Outer planets have to do with things that are beyond our control. Chiron in 3rd or 9th house in composite chart: This relationship . I feel that our connection is a long term one over many lifetimes. Neptune is in the 4th, Libra. This person and I believe were soulmates, and I would go further to say were twin flames as we share some many parallels in our lives, similarities, and all the other strange features of a twin flame relationship as describe by many. He literally proposed to me the night we met. Then we hurt each other. Trust me when I say that I will happily take a man i am less connected to, to allow myself the support I need to thrive in this life. Composite Pluto in the 9th house: There is an added layer of complexity to their combined life philosophy. He just wanted to keep it physical until one of us gets married with someone else. Therefore difficult aspects to composite Chiron need to be noted. The only way that you can figure out the main issue of karma in a relationship is to examine the nature of both Nodes and their rulers in the Composite, along with aspects to the Nodes. While this is tricky to do, it takes a bit of analysis and creativity. This year in April we were introduced to each other by our mates. Its pretty rare. The relationship is a very private one, we share many trips together, and special 12th house retreat time together. When the transit Moon is in the composite 6th house, you may be a little emotionally picky in the relationship, and can be a little judgy with one another. For him, its TOO many of his own issues. I thought that because of the 8th house or vertex, I forced him to confront his own dark side. Thank you Dawn for this very interesting article. Arent these positive aspects good enough to sustain a relationship down-to-earth, telling me to forgive and try again or just simply blowing the matter worse and prolonging it?. Are these water houses the culprits that keep pulling me back? I have learned to surrender much but our relationship isnt surviving, we cant let go altogether and cant seem to be together. Have you any thoughts or words to share on the 12th house commonalities we have individually, and what impact it lends to us as a couple? In contrast, couples who come together to create something for the collective often have the appropriate planets in the composite 12th, there for all to see. Thank you very much for the answer. The Moon/Mars (Virgo) sextiles a close Sun/Jupiter (Cancer) conjunction in the 10th, sextiles Uranus (Scorpio) in the 2nd, trines Ceres (Capricorn) in the 4th, and squares Neptune (Sagittarius) in the 3rd all very close aspects. But someone who tells you they love you every day and tries to break up with you every month is clearly not. He is a pisces rising with neptune conjunct his midheaven. It has left a hole in my heart, (composite chiron conjunct asc) and I suffered from insomnia regretting I should or shouldnt have done. I am not an expert but this artical ssure proves the writer of it right! We have a meaningful journey to take together, but we must ultimately be alone. My concern is a grand trine in the composite chart, Mercury/Jupiter/Venus all conjunct in the 1st (pisces) trine Moon/North node conjunct in the 5th (cancer) and Neptune the chart ruler in the 9th (Scopio). Most of it is illusions I know.. Illusions yes I know. Sure someone up there wants to teach me a lesson (again!). I am sufficiently haunted. The 12th house doesnt necessarily mean hidden. It also works the other way. I had to spend years unlearning what love is to me and settle with how individuals differ in what we value in a relationship. Transit Uranus in the Composite 12th House. Ive known couples who are married for long periods of time to have 12th house composites. taurus venus-mars conjunction in Your opinion? With 4, 8 and 12 emphasized, youll have to deal with one another in an emotionally honest way, no matter what karma you have to work out together. how this would manifest? Men with Chiron in the 12th House have a solid physical and mental constitution. Judy, Im sorry about your relationship with your daughter. along with Juno. Neptune causes us to turn our other into gods. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Everywords pounding in me. The various areas of your life where there might be certain effects cannot be pinpointed as this stage is a little bit vague. When Pluto is conjunct the North Node, our mistakes can be more dramatic and our adjustments have to be greater. . Another spin given to the 12th house . Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. I really feel like there is a wolf howling in a forest at night and I hear his call , I know I am the female wolf and that the call is for me and I have to go to him now. It is often said about this house that everyone else see's it before you do. Neptune, as the higher octave of Venus, is all about connections, and the 12th house allows us to dissolve the boundaries of ordinary life in order to reach out beyond our mundane reality. When there are clusters of planets there are no simple solutions. In synastry, his Pluto is in my 12th conjunct my ascendent tightly, and I have nothing in his 12th. In my natal I have mars and mercury in 12th house Gemini. Sometimes the twelfth house energies become lost, and we create false gods from what we cannot find within us (for example, those with Leo on the 12th house cusp may worship creative expression, but not be able to find it in themselves). We went through hell together, we loved each other, we saved each other, we saved others together, we could practically feel and read one another. You dont want, on the whole, a composite Mars in the 12th square to Neptune, unless you are missionaries or you plan to open up a swimming pool installation company. P.S. (You can have this without the 12th of course, but the 12th is inclined to it.) We met one day and it was ON, mutual, and understood without saying word. Juno in the 12th means that there are unresolved issues surrounding equality in relationship and some sort of sacrifice in relationships will be necessary in order to discover that balance. Lord knows I do drive myself crazy with lost love/unrequited love. While separated from his girlfriend and in the final stages of breaking it off with her, we had several secret liaisons- more 12th house. so beautiful and so healing especially the last paragraph. and then mars, Jupiter and neptune in the 2nd. When transit Pluto is in the composite 12th house, you may feel more powerful and connected in the relationship when its just the two of you, behind closed doors, no one to bother. my davison chart has our sun, mercury and pluto in the 12. frequently i hear what he says in my head before he says it. There is probably some sort of inequality and that can be good for employee/employer or guru/student relationships. Thank you for this article. Aghh! My question is this: Does our Sun/Mercury conjunction in the 12th composite necessarily have to mean we are destined to learn a particular lesson and then part? sorry Ive made an error : it is not his descendant point, it is his IC point. When transit Jupiter is in the composite 12th house, you may have more opportunities to come together behind the scenes, behind closed doors, when no one is watching, and in a professional relationship, this can be how you make lots of progress together. Your email address will not be published. and he JUST asked me to lunch yesterday. When transit Mars is in the composite 12th house, you may become aware of subconscious drivers and motivators in your relationship, and this can help you gain a better understanding of one another. I read our full synastry report, using dual cosmodynes, and the outcome was very positive and harmonic, scoring pretty much above the average! It was helpful all of your comments about the rest of composite houses and I say Thank you again for this Everyone longs for melding and merging in relationship, but the truth is that separateness makes us interesting to one another. AT ALL. Eventually, some of their views may clash and this can . Thank you for this piece it is prompting reflection. An ex-lover and I share composite Sun/Mercury in the 12th. (We also have some 4th and 8th house synastry with me as the planet person, and 3 planets in the composite 4th). Although Im aware this is only an illusion of my mind and nothing else , this illusion is so strong and so frequent that I ve at least learned to live with it and Ive given up struggling against it. But on the whole the midpoint chart is a chart about the essence and purpose of a relationship and the Davison chart is more about the external realities of a relationship. Its a bit like getting knocked off your feet by a powerful waveyou and your partner are going to have to swim in the tide for a while, and deal with whatever watery beasties swim your way. Struggling against our own unconscious is not an easy thing Usually, life will present us with huge dilemmas that cause us to choose between the ego and the soul path. If we do things out of fear or for security, and we dont listen to the call to step onto our proper path in life, we are serving the ego instead of the soul. However, when I examine our composite chart, I was shocked. Me and my friend have composite sun conj. I cannot really make that happen now I dont know why but Im still thinking that he is my faith or not, everything is very confused. My daughter and I have a 12th house Sun-Moon conjunction (in Cancer) in our composite. And you may then limit yourself for years, into oblivion. Hi! So much uncertainty and confusion!! yeah, i think we didnt invest much efforts in getting/staying togetherhowever, when I tried to pursue more, I felt as if I was more needy and I cared more about this relationship, as his respose to my efforts was quite blank and gruff. thanks Dawn for your reply. (anyone who has ever fallen in love and had planets with that person in 12th composite will know..). I herd that the good connections between the 1st house rulers and 7 th rulers are so important an the good saturn aspects also. Lovely article. Chiron in 12th House wound is also related to spirituality and belief systems. The empty space you decribe has me under pressure most days. Pisces is the mutable water sign overseeing the 12th house. 12th house issues are not always supportive. The attraction was instant. Hi Dawn. Im always attracted to those types of relationships There is also a Mars in the 12th that doesnt get really any support from anything. i give it much meaning because i really feel a psychic connection and a karmic fate, but again that could be just me since i have a heavy neptune but nothing in my natal 12th. The 12th house in astrology is the hardest part of your chart to get to know. I still could love this man with his faults which I know he has but he is so caring and nice. Im trying to figure it out. PS.. hes the very first guy I ever met who knew and talked about astrology! We also have composite venus in the 12th house. If anything new would happen you would dbe the first one to know! I loved him from the bottom of my heart. They help us understand that our capacity to love is its own reward. Whitelotus. so we find the True in each other. Hes Gemini sun . Composite Sun in the 2nd House. So beautifully written Dawn. At all. Composite Chiron can be strongest when in the composite 1st house or conjunct (aligned with) a composite planet (especially a personal planet - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or composite angle (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house cusps). Sometimes walking around with him is just like being in a movie, which is funny because we ARE in a movie together- one he is making with his best friend. As far as the four major asteroids are concerned, I find that house position is not as important as aspect. Difficult to ground your energy. Beginning to look at our Composite Chart and come to find a Moon and Mars Conjunction in Leo 12th House. Such a great article! My husband and I have composite sun conjunct Saturn in the 12th, composite moon conjunct Venus in the 1st. Thank you. We could look at each other and read one anothers minds, but not in a way where you hear words or anything. Im not exactly sure what our future holds, but I do know we are exactly where we are supposed to be XOXO ~ Thank you for the lovely insights!!! My 12 is in Leo, along with my Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto. A heavily posited first house suggests a powerful and active relationship. Indeed, I felt the fear trampling along the edge with fear of insecurity. We are just in the beginning so should I try this relationship or just let it go? They do not, however, lose interest once they have completed their aim. Is this why I am feeling this more? It isnt that theyre unhappyno, they seem to go more the extreme of bliss altering with despair. The examination of two natal charts shows how people interact with one another==how I affect you, and vice versa. hi dawn. Any insight you may have would be extremely helpful, I am having difficulty understanding this 12th house energy. I put mars (Cancer) in his 12th. We talk with each other and I know he loved me and still does like me , we talk in the church when we can but none of us really telling the real story (which is so 12 house thing). Haunting I dont know why im writing you this because uncounsciously know this relationship was all about love and let go. They help us understand that our capacity to love is its own reward. Very exquisitely put. To use Jeff Greens analogy, the ego believes it is an independent entity, but a developed ego is like a wave; it knows it is moving towards the shore, but it also knows that it will return to the ocean to which it belongs, the place of the Source or universal spirit. Mine is conjunct with his moon. The 12th house native likely suffered in their childhood due to being overly sensitive and empathetic. We also have 3 composite planets and an asteroid in house 8. . Entering through my dreams, plenty of astral seduction going on out there in the ethers. And it KILLS ME! This area of the chart talks about going on a journey to uncover your own secrets, subconscious, and psyche. Mars also squares Mercury, Venus, Pluto and Saturn. do you have any clue of what this means or should i just ignore it? A recent class in assassins revealed that the victims often had many planets in the shooters 12th house. Our date was perfect but too creepy cause he told his very deep secrets and early regrets to me. There is a certain someone whose natal Sun is in the 12 th, his sun also receiving a natal square from his Neptune. In fact, it seems we are even more a part of each others lives than ever. venus+mars, etc. (One expression does not contra-indicate the other.). We still keep in touch as just friends occasionally, and sometimes I feel like I am having conversations with him in my head. With the composite 12th house in Aries, it may be difficult at times for you to take initiative together when needed, and instead that kicks in when youre moving together subconsciously. what do you think it means to have such much weight in the 1st and 12th houses? Your emotions may also be cloudy and unclear at times, and your lack of boundaries may cause you trouble. Who cares? This man can be my everything and this feeling will not change. We had an instant connection, and I ended up in his apartment the first night we met. IF THIS IS NOT A TRAGIC LOVE STORY THAN WHAT IS? Its a huge task, but often one the 12th house couple is uniquely suited for.]. My takeaway is that the two people involved would think the relationship was hidden (and something for just them) but its not really because of the nature of the Asc Conjunctions. But, our composite chart is weird. We have Sun,mercury,venus and jupiter in 12th house virgo. There is, without a doubt, an element of longing in the 12th. *And in Synastry- My Chiron RIsing (asc in Taurus) sits in his 12th house) There is still a sense that anything can happen though, very unpredictable energy. Posts: 28 From: Planet Earth Registered: Jan 2014: posted January 23, 2014 08:42 PM Hi, . Only his Juipter is in the 12th, I have no planets there but also we both also have ceres and lilith in the 12th. Composite Venus In 12th House With Composite Venus in the 12th house, you may find it difficult to express affection and love for one another. And now we come to the house that causes more furrowed brows than any other. Hi Daw My husband and I, have composite Saturn 27 Pluto 28 Libra in 12th, forming a T square to our Sun 26 Cancer and Venus 19/Mercury 23 Capricorn. the 12th house the asteroid Juno Chiron Aspects between these features of the chart reveal a lot of information about your relationship. The synastry can show the true about our relationship, and the Davison also but less than synastry, but the Composite chart can show almost nothing. There is also Mercury in Taurus at 12 degrees, but this is in the 1st. As someone with Chiron placed in 12th House, spirituality shapes your identity through isolation and imagination. Transit Venus in the Composite 12th House.

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composite chiron in 12th house