celtic menstrual rituals

Exodus 3:45. Receive your FREE 40 page guide filled with ritual, magic, ceremony, and feminine embodiment rituals, as gateways to reclaim the wild red river of your powerful womb, your Whore, and the pure white river of your tender heart, your Virgin, weaving yourself as the wholeness you are. You may also enjoy receiving a massage from a trusted healer, friend, sister, or lover, honoring yourself as the Goddess you are. Traditionally a woman would leave her family and go to sit in the red tent with her sisters on their bleeding cycle, to have privacy and solitude to go inward during this sensitive time. or is it that our subconscious knows there is more to the story? something beautiful and powerful meant to help us transcend when properly used. Modern science is now beginning to prove what ancient cultures already knew, that menstrual blood contains healing stem cells that can rejuvenate our energy and heal disease. You could also simply bleed freely while swimming naked in the water and recite any blessings or prayers or invocations that come to you. you can bring fire Legend says St. Patrick had a dream in which he was visited by an angel who encouraged him to flee captivity and helped arrange a miraculous escape. In honour of ourselves, our ancestors, and the magic that happens when we allow our bodys wisdom, our intuition to lead. Like paganism itself, Sex Magick is the target of misinterpretation and controversy; however, it is also the object of fascination and interestis it our satyric nature? Create a Womb Cocoon in Your Home. In the first dream, I was in a bungalow in the countryside. This was deeply respected and understood. The first fundamental principlerefers to the fact there is a collective cosmic energy which forms and makes possible everything that surrounds us, everything that exists; both physical beings and non-physical realities, both living and inanimate beings, everything is formed, penetrated, meshed and possible thanks to this collective cosmic energy; as such it is then obvious we are formed by this energy. Turn off any notifications from your phone or computer and ask others in your house not to disturb you. Creativity that feels nourishing rather than depleting can be a very helpful way to ease some of the grief and sadness that can naturally accompany the death cycle of shedding our menstrual blood. Worthy. Otherwise, as I mentioned above you can soak your cloths in a jar of water and then offer your blood this way. Many Irish saints had meaningful dreams as well. In the Gallo-Roman period temples were Both serious practitioners and characters in witchy lore are known for their abilities to unleash primal desires. Preparing for your flow with a yoni steam during the week before your menstruation will help release stagnation to support a more easeful bleed with less cramping and discomfort. MATERIALIZE Stay quiet now, I know you want to. the element of fire is part of most traditions, religions and spiritual practices. We call you to take part in the Collective Meditation. Different rituals kept the fairies away, including blessing the mother and child with bread, milk, a fir-scented candle, and a Bible. How To Reverse Insulin Resistance At Midlife, 13 Habits to Protect Yourself from The Dangers of 5G Radiation. They do not focus on deities or the the worshipping of any God, but are based on three principles which explain the effectiveness of this kind of magick. WHO KNOW AND LOVE In this ritual, the goddess would offer the king a wedding libation (liquid or grains poured from the cup of a deity) to indicate her approval of the marriage and the kings legitimacy to rule. The use of Magick implies being able to move forces, powers or energies with the use of thought (we create reality, but often no one teaches us how to do this, hence rituals are powerful for our mind has been trained to understand them and utilized them to achieve amagicalobjective). Burned mugwort to clear the energies and ignite my feminine intuition. When we climax we release powerful energies which can be directed or channeled to achieve an objective. If you have a particular deity you call upon, feel free to change names or attributes around where needed. From the red wine sipped from the chalice (the womb) by Jesus and his disciples and in modern times sipped through holy communion, to the red apples that grow on the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, nothing but the blood of Christ can truly wash away and heal our sins. NOVA QUANTUM TERRA Each time I contemplated stepping on to the grass, strange jurassic creatures would run across my path, teeth chomping and snarling. In the absence of culturally approved vision quests, meaningful coming-of-age ceremonies, or genuine tests of physical and psychological strength, too many young teens fill the void with drugs, alcohol, dangerous relationships, or compulsive consumerism. When we bathe beneath the moon and the stars, especially during our moon time, it helps us to reestablish our connection with the night and all of her medicine and magic. Lit a candle. M*Y*O*U*R And then there are the cross-quarter days, which are the midway points between them and part of the harvest cycle. As you unravel deeper layers, continue to release entanglements and reclaim your sovereignty over your birthing powers, your creative potential, your lovers, and your right to consciously choose. WebCeltic Wicca is a modern form of Wicca that incorporates some elements of Celtic mythology. Many of these practices have roots in desert spirituality; Celtic monks considered the teachings of the desert mothers and fathers essential wisdom. However, many others view handfasting as a ritual of betrothal, part of the Year and a Day custom, so you might see it at either type of ceremony. The number of rounds varies but is often three to reflect the sacredness of that number in the Celtic imagination. Pay particular attention to the signs of the seasonwhat flowers might be in bloom, whether the trees have their leaves, and the height of the sun in the sky. And so, the message I was gifted is how my sovereign power and potential in this world is fueled when I surrender to my fears and follow my intuition. The above is a basic scientific concept of energy and how it works. This goddess ritual honors the feminine, while also celebrating our female ancestors. (Freedom, CA: Crossing Press), 35. Ones purpose is to achieve something greater, the other is meant to destroy self. If you wish to regulate your moon cycle with the moon itself, moon and star bathing throughout the month will greatly support this! The Celtic peoples had a love of edges and boundary places, most likely as the result of living on an island, but they also held a keen sense of the Otherworld as a place just beneath the veil of this one. Ruth 1:16, Christ with me, Christ before me On one of my retreats years ago a woman asked me how she could see visions during our shamanic trance dance journeys to receive guidance from her intuitive self. In doing so you are wasting energy and depleting the brain of its natural resources. This Celtic tradition is still observed by some minorities today. All the mundane activities of the day are opportunities to witness grace at work. Are you having a laugh? I thought, In my dreamworld I was faced with jurassic creatures and now I have to follow you into an ancient grave?. If your daughter agrees and is enthusiastic about it, I recommend some kind of planned coming-of-age celebration for her (although some girls wont want this coming-of-age ceremony to have anything to do with menarche). Having grown up in unique circumstances; learning about ancient teachings, alchemy and shamanic rituals, one would say sex magick was part of my education. For many years I bled with the full moon through moon bathing, and eventually my cycle changed to bleeding with the new moon as I was guided deeper into the red current and the shadow side of nature. No matter how much our children look forward to them, they dont begin to acknowledge or honor the power available when your biology gives you a renewed brain, a new body, and new feelings! Despite all the traumatic episodes I endured, I always believed inMagick;not tricks and seances but actual Magick, the alchemical process of destruction and creation within ourselves and outside of usAs above so below. Hares are not burrowing animals and so it is believed the skull and claws of this hare were placed in the tomb in ritual. Now. These rituals use the intentional use ofthought frequencyand the forces of nature and the cosmos; which in this particular case, is the energy generated by the sexual act. NOW Ancients understood frequency and energy better than we do nowadays; as such, they understood the great power we emit when we orgasm. Honoring menstruation: a time of self-renewal. 8 Ways to Turn Your Empathy into A Super Power, The Nootka people of Canada had a big party right after a girls first period. Bran exuded a stronger sense of urgency but the creatures lurked in the shadows and I froze. However, all provide a clear boundary between childhood and adulthood, and represent the moment when the child assumes his or her responsibilities to the rest of the community. In a collective culture where many of us have been discouraged and silenced in our deepest emotional states, its no wonder these feelings can bubble up and full on erupt at the surface during our moon time. It differs from pilgrimage and is a phrase without a precise English definition. Remember what I said about potatoes and potato chips? Witches use sexual energy to commune, to manifest, to make magic, andin the case of the Medieval hags described in the 1486 witch-hunting bible the Malleus Samhain The Celtic Origins of You are probably familiar with the lorica prayer above, attributed to St. Patrick. Travelers especially faced dangers at night from thieves or wild animals with only fire and prayer as protection. Details a wide range of sex magic rituals that This article also appears in the June 2019 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. On the last night, all the people, led by their shaman, stay up all night praying for the girl and her family. Renew your spiritual life and community worship with these adaptations of ancient Christian practices. During execution members consciousness has to rise parallel with the increase of energy until they reach climax when is when the visualization of the goal at hand is released to the universe; when the goal is good, not only will the universe incorporate the energy sent but will also return good energy to the participants, as such they did not waste theirlivingenergy, they did not deplete themselves but regenerated. Both are required to know the fullness of the divine presence. He later had another dream in which he heard the Irish people calling out to him to return to the land of his enslavement and help Christianity flourish. This also has other implications because it means the more energy we can produce, gather and channel, the more effective the magick ritual is going to be in reaching its goal. The surest way to disconnect a woman from her own power is to convince her that this power is inherently impure and separate from God. Seal with the words, from my womb to the earth womb may all be rebirthed in love.. In August my youngest went off to college, making me an official empty-nester. If youre new to yoni steaming, this is a self care practice dating back to ancient Egypt. What follows is an exploration of 12 Celtic Christian practices for modern Catholics daily spiritual lives, along with scripture passages for meditation. Consider writing a blessing of gratitude for each of the ordinary things that sustain you during the day. How does the above take place physiologically? Required fields are marked *. There are many sacred places in Ireland and Wales with the word dysert or disert in the name. In the pre-Christian tradition there are significant feast days aligned with the equinoxes and solstices. As we are. Always. Ask to be guided, to enter into the deeper realms of your womb, and then simply trust and allow what you see. And yet, we live in a world that does not allow much space for the yin. Thresholds are the spaces between when we move from one time to another, as in the threshold of dawn to day or dusk to dark; from one space to another, as in times of pilgrimage or in moving from secular to sacred space; and from one awareness to another, as in times when old structures start to fall away and we begin to envision something new. Our own societys rites of passage seem superficial in comparison. When you fantasize you attract, which means if you fantasize over empty animalistic things or people, you will not attract those specific people, instead you will attract worst; people with horrible energy who will come into your space and who will most likely just use and discard of you. An honor? Everyone, whether lay or clergy, man or woman, was expected to have a spiritual mentor and companion on the souls journey. The druid or druidess would stand on one leg, one eye closed, arm outstretched, chanting an incantation in one breath at the intended victim. Just as God can speak through the words of the scriptures, so can we hear the voice of the divine in the elements and in creatures. It has been my personal experience that the physical pain, emotional turbulence, and challenges many women face during their moon time is the womb communicating through her the ancestral pain we have collected in a world that has forgotten our true nature. I placed an oracle card with a hare on my altar. How do you honor your moon time each month? will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress; With that said, in Tantra as within Celts; there is a respect to those of a much shy nature, as such a couple is taught and encourage to practiceConscious Sexualityso they may use that energy to heal themselves or asMagickto achieve a particular goal; needless to say both partners got to be at the same wave length, meaning the sameIntention. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: EraofLightblog@Gmail.com. When I asked my newsletter readers for coming-of-age memories, the responses I received were a wonderful testament to the mother-daughter bond at menarche. It requires discipline, one has to be willing to walk with the energy as it rises; as such Sexual Magick is not an everyday practice. Christ on my right, Christ on my left The desert tradition profoundly influenced the Celtic monks; while many monks were unable to go to the literal desert, they sought out the wild edges and solitary places of wilderness. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die. Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. You can plan this ceremonyor a special mother-daughter trip or eventanytime between the ages of eleven and fourteenyou dont have to wait until she gets her first period. What a reward I had received. As we are literally birthing the layers our wombs have created during the last 28 day cycle, when we bleed it can be a powerful time to be creative. While our stories and current religious paradigms have been distorted to suggest menstruation is unclean and a woman is cast out of the temples during this time, originally women went into retreat during their bleeding cycle to allow themselves to channel the highest and deepest visions for collective healing. He led me through the forest and eventually to a clearing in the land where I saw what resembled the Mound of Hostages, a 5,000 year old Neolithic passage tomb at the Hill of Tara. You may enjoy warming up sesame oil with some essential oils or rose oils and massaging your whole body before getting into a bath in the evening. To feel your primal wildness in union with your pristine holiness. Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down The emphasis of this ritual is on both physical strength and character. Celtic Wiccan Wedding Rituals: Handfasting: For many Wiccans, handfasting is an essential part of the marriage rite. Owen,L. Where have you turned away from these? I agree to the Privacy Policy and Become aware each time you cross a threshold. I found them tedious and long. Exodus 20:13. In the Celtic monastic tradition, wandering was a powerful practice inspired by the biblical story of Abraham. It is important here to make note that sexual magick within a group is not the same as what is modernly called swap groups or orgies. Each morning she gets up at sunrise and runs toward the rising sun. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Ixcacao herself is a fertility and womb Goddess, connecting us to the roots of life, and through this sustenance and abundance we naturally blossom open our hearts. This spirituality celebrates the human imagination, cultivating creativity through various art forms such as manuscript illumination and vibrant metalwork. In the month after a girl gets her first period, her entire extended family gathers together for a ceremony that takes place over four days. What Are the Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance? Blessing is an act of acknowledging the gifts and graces already present and offering gratitude to God for them. It has been proven by science and many cultures study the characteristic of the vibrational frequency each letter has and its combinations. He insisted that no matter what happened with him, we were to take our trip. If it feels right for you, you can begin to place small drops of your own blood (when it is fresh and a bright red color) under your tongue like taking a homeopathic medicine (which you are.) EDUCE The group provides a greater power of energy source to achieve a goal. Bring the prayers of your heart and ask God for signs and symbols to guide you on the way. From this place, my desire is to create a community in Celtic Sisterhood where we can be in ritual and co-create ritual together. As with any kind of magic, your ritual can be quite formal, full of ceremonial trappings or it can be you alone with your partner or you alone, breathing and preparing the vessel to channel the energy throughout your beautiful body. If you desire to drive deeper into your dream realm, dreamwork is a core component of both my Mythic Body and Sovereignty Goddess Incubator programmes. Communing with the lunar self and the night time self, the dark yin qualities of life, is equally as important as connecting with the sun self and the day time self, the yang qualities of life. What ideas, attitudes, beliefs, and awarenesses could have made a big difference to their adolescence? Gregor explains that, A pair of trowsers hung at the foot of the bed had the same effect (4) for some reason. It may have been written in the bible that it is a sin worthy of abomination to lay with a woman while she is menstruating, and makes a man forever unclean, however long before these words were written many ancient cultures considered menstruation to be the most powerful time for love making, opening the sacred couple into the rivers of womb enlightenment. The sacred Mayan Goddess Ixcacao has long been celebrated for her powers to melt open the heart and reconnect humanity with the sacred dance of life. In the Celtic monastic tradition, a lorica is a type of prayer seeking protection, invoking the power of God to safeguard against darker forces. Temair is the Irish word for Tara and is thought to mean site of great prospect, sanctuary or sacred space. Celtic menstrual stories are also scarce but they do indicate that women were more likely to be revered and honoured for their bleed rather than shunned. It is also important to make a visualization of this projection, which must be integrated in a detailed and precise way. From lighting candles to layering colors of sand, there's a wedding ceremony ritual to fit every couple's style. It is a full shedding of the lining that would have created a human being had insemination and implantation occurred at the time of ovulation. Matthew 2:13. Do you see it as sacred? Enter your email to receive notifications of new posts. but to do justice, and to love kindness, This ceremony is the beginning of a long period of mentoring that includes information about sex, intimacy, and the special healing powers of the menstruating woman. As we die something else is being birthed. In Genesis the story goes that Eves punishment for eating the apple is to forever suffer through labor pains during childbirth and to bleed every month. WebDance, prayer, music, chanting, eating, and drinking take place. Your email address will not be published. These breastplate prayers name the presence of Christ in all directions as a shield against harm and a reminder of Gods loving presence. Despite what many of us have personally experienced and been conditioned to believe, our moon time is not a punishment for our original sin, a curse we inherited by product of being a woman, nor designed to be painful and insufferable. This is a neo-pagan and pan-Indianist movement in the Americas. Your womb is an oracle and while menstruating the crimson tides that govern our emotional and creative selves are at their peak. Then, from the shadows arose an enormous figure who I instantly recognised as Queen Medb. Make a commitment in the coming days to spend time in nature and be present to it as a place of revelation. Where you go, I will go; As I sit here and write, Im amidst creating a ritual handbook for the women who join the Banron Mystery School on the summer solstice. Ecclesiastes 3:12a. Owen. Druids were also called upon to impart justice and to counsel monarchs. and your God my God. When in fact, a womans fertility is the source of her power, her ability to create life from her own body, to gestate a sacred seed in the garden of her womb, and for our ancestors who lived in the times of the womb religions, both birth and menstruation were orgasmic initiations bringing a woman through the veil between the worlds. They came to me through the stories I grew up with, whispering through the threads of time. I lay down on the cold ground and she on top of me like a thin, translucent veil. These places, as well as some urban sites, often had purpose-built temples, shrines, and sanctuaries. Here, druids performed rituals and prayers while votive offerings of precious goods, as well as animal and human sacrifices, were given to the Celtic gods to gain their favour and ensure the continued success of the community. The essential ritual in Celtic Weddings is the handfasting ceremony The handfasting ceremony involves 13 ribbons, each with their own symbolic meaning. The hand fasting ritual is a physical bond which unites a man and a woman when getting married. In ancient Celtic tradition this practice would of been performed by the Druids. The most monumental archaeological discovery in Ireland in the past fifty years. What I am about to write goes hand in hand with Tantra; however, I will focus on the Celtic traditions. I stood on the threshold of the back door but would not cross. The distorted perception that a woman is unclean during her menstrual cycle and thus is banished from temples, ceremonies, and the community at large, traces back to the true sacred ritual of a woman retreating during her moon time not because she was unclean but because she was so tapped into otherworldly dimensions and so connected to her deep power that she needed time and space to integrate her visions, emotions, and downloads. Menopause is similarly She has traveled in dozens of countries across the world activating her soul journey through her relationship with land and lived for seven years in primary rainforest in the Costa Rican jungle, communicating with trees, plants, creatures, and exploring many shamanic Earth wisdom traditions. Stand at the crossroads, and look, I find that the enjoyment of my menstrual cycle largely depends on the preparations that precede it. or to turn back from following you! Let your daughters mood and personality determine what is best. This simple ritual can be performed by both men and women, and is designed to honor the feminine aspects of the universe as well as our female ancestors. In modern times, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced sow-win) is usually For more on this, and instructions, click here. During the renovations of the house and estate, another passage tomb was unearthed. Sex is the X factor in witchcraft. Owen, L. (1998). Most of the time such power is lost and rather than being incorporated and used for our own health or to achieve a purpose, we simply expulse it without gathering its many benefits. You may wish to create a ritual for this, along with giving your blood to the earth, journaling intentions, or anything else that connects you to your feminine nature, and either collect some of your blood in a moon cup or receive it directly from your yoni. Closed down my eyes, connected with my breath and began the journey to my inner-world. St. Columba of Iona asked God for three things: virginity, wisdom, and pilgrimage. Finally, during the preparation period is when people learn to be conscious during their sexual activities, particularly during climax, which is the peak stage and which they need to take advantage of the energy to obtain their goal. Cameron, Among the Dagara people of West Africa, the initiation of girls is performed once per year for all the girls who have started to menstruate in the preceding year. Dry and store your menstrual blood for future spells and rituals. Description. HERE WE GO SPACE TIME ENERGY MATTER A womans ability to bleed without dying was considered a magical power and it was understood that her oracular senses heightened during this dark moon time, when the mystical stem cells encoded with the wisdom of creation had peaked in their fullness and were being shed from her body to be offered back to the Earth for the well being of the entire community. Before Marinas first period arrived, I contacted all the people who cared deeply for her and requested that they write a few sentences about what they wished they had known at her age. Make time for contemplative walks outside in your neighborhood. There are pattern days associated with different holy places and a set number of rounds to walk in specific places along with certain prayers. Christ beneath me, Christ above me Your use of and/or visitation to the Web site signifies your agreement to CNIs Terms of Use and CNIs Privacy Policy. Ritual is a conscious act or performance that transitions us from everyday life into a world of possibility, where the limitations of the everyday can be renegotiated and They were immersed in this poetry and ancient call to see God active in the whole world. However, when working with Sexual Magick, there is no fantasizing over outside influences or erotic situations you would like to experience. The hand fasting Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by. Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence.

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celtic menstrual rituals