waikato tainui moteatea

John McGregor, Ko nga waiata Maori; na te Maori o Waikato e tuhituhi 1864 1910 . my spirit, In 1821, northern tribes drove To seal the peace, Te Rangi-ita married Waitapu, daughter of Te Ata-inutai and his wife Te Kahu-rere-moa. In the face of a pandemic history has shown that here in Aotearoa, Maaori are the most susceptible. Learn More. Waikato-Tainui has proudly developed this whare as a long-term home for the hard-working kaimahi (staff) of ACC in a way that benefits ACC, Hamilton, our wider region and Waikato-Tainui itself, she says. [17] A detailed account was given by Hoata Te Hata between 1916 and 1918. Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre, Te Kotahi Oranga | Health and Wellness Centre Referral Form. 22 Aug 2008. A group arriving from the Waipa [2] Upoko-iti participated in the Ngti RaukawaNgti Kahu-pungapunga War alongside his cousin Whaita and brothers Tama-te-hura, Wairangi, and Pipito, in which Ngti Raukawa conquered the stretch of the Waikato River between Maungatautari and tiamuri. Wairua Tapu tau mai rWairua Tapu mai i rungaUhia mai ng taonga paiHomai t arohaWhia kia tikakona mai r kia ki te paiHoroia kia m tonu rMhou te tino korriaWairua Tapu tau mai rWairua Tapu tau mai rWairua Tapu tau mai r. . The prioritised work streams that are now seen in the Five Year . A unique, vibrant, interconnected living, working and learning community inspiring unity, collaboration and innovation. Waikato Te Awa. We strive to empower our tribal members by providing opportunities to strengthen and develop language and cultural competency and confidence. We support tribal members' success by providing grants, scholarships and support for personal development opportunities. Waikato te awa Katohia, katohia he wai mu Katohia he wai mu Ka eke ki Te Paha o Waikato Te awa; he piko, he taniwha He piko, he taniwha Kia tpato r kei tahuri koe I ng au kaha o Waikato Whakamau t titiro ki tawhiti r Ko Taupiri te maunga Ptatau te tangata Te mauri o te motu e As a result the place was named Te Iringa o te Upoko o Te Ata ('The hook of Te Ata's head'). click here, Tnei mtou e t atu neiKi te whakangahau i te ope neiE te iwiAu, au, puritia rT mana Mori eHei tohutohu i roto i tnei aoAhakoa mtou kua riro neiKo te mana me te wehi kia mau eN reira, e hoa mHe wahine pai e kori atu neiAu e hine mTukutuku tukua o taha e ruaN reira kia mau e. E noho Theitia te hri o WaikatoE huri t kanohi ki te hauuruNg tai e ngunguru i waho o Te kauAu hei auT pikitanga ko Te Ao O Te RangiT heketanga ko Karioi maungaT hoenga waka ko WhingaroaAu hei auTakahia atu r te moana i AoteaKia whatiwhati koe i te hua o te miroTe tihi o Moerangi, te puke okiokingaAu hei auPiua mata ki Kwhia moanaKi Kwhia kai, ki Kwhia tangataKo te kupu tn a tpunaAu hei auE hoe t waka ki NgruawhiaTrangawaewae m te ao katoaTe tongi whakamutunga a MatutaeraAu hei auTiri te aroha i a ha ha!Toro mai ringa me aroha tuaAu hikitia! It is our responsibility to ensure we are taking full advantage of our strengths and resources to realise our Whakatupuranga 2050 vision. Dickie Barrett to obtain muskets for his own people Do not enter personal information. NZ Waiata Tangi * Te Tai o Kawhia - LK * SONG He shouted up to the defenders, asking who had hit him, and one Te Rangi-ita revealed that he had done it, Te Ata-inutai called him down and made peace with him. Arawi Pa at midnight, with the very unwell Te To the place called the long armpit of Paatetere.[1]. Whakatupuranga 2050 will be our legacy for those who come after us. The tribe is named after the Waikato River, which plays a large part in its history and culture. Waikato-Tainuis purpose is to leverage opportunities for tribal members and marae through the Ngaa Tohu framework and initiatives. We are here to support you in your business through the coordinated utilisation of our expertise, our resources, and our partnerships to help your business to thrive. Wellington: Polynesian Society, 1928, 1961, 1980, 1988. Tribal members elect two members from their Marae to represent them for three years on Te Whakakitenga o Waikato. It is a rich resource for continuing research and scholarship in many fields, offers prime texts in the teaching of Mori language, literature and tribal history and serves as inspiration for contemporary composition and performance. Know what to expect during the home buying process,with a group of likeminded people. Graphs are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues. Kiingitanga Accord. To develop an effective Marae Development Strategy (Oranga Marae) with objectives focused on: We support tribal members' success by providing grants, scholarships and support for personal development opportunities. From the 1920s, Sir pirana Ngata began collecting and annotating these traditional songs. Ng whakamoemiti, whakawhetai, e Ihu eMo au manaakitanga, ki te iwi e tau neiKo koe te piringa, ka puta ki te orangaE te ariki, pai marireE te ariki pai marire. Amohia Ake - our new office in Kirikiriroa I also have these Maori songbooks too. As university students across New Zealand commence their first semester studies this week, we celebrate pirana Turupa Ngata (1874-1950, Ngti Porou) whose many achievements include being the first Mori to complete a degree at a New Zealand university. He took the fortress and killed all the people there, including Waikari. The boundaries of Hauraki, the boundaries of Waikato Under the tutorship of Turongo Paki and Kahurangi Muru the roopu will soon take, Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui, Te Papa 2011, Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui, Auckland Museum 2011. I, No. Treaty Of Waitangi. This is a compilation of about 300 waiata for primary and secondary school teachers of te Reo Mori. Build confidence and new habits around money, with our free Financial Literacy course. Supporting marae to develop their own Oranga Marae Plan (Marae Development Strategy) so that their Marae whaanau and facilities are fit for purpose and fit for future. [10] Waikari's head was taken by the Ngti Raukawa and was placed in the waters of Kw, near Mount Kakepuku to function as a mauri tuna (a talisman for attracting eels). Our most valuable possessions we hold as an iwi are the teachings given by our ancestors, taonga tuku iho, handed down from one generation to the next. click here, An te pai, te huareka eTe nohonga o ng tinaO ng tukana, kotahi ana rI roto i te ara paiKei te toimairangi o HeremonaI ng maunga o HionaI whakahautia te kupu a te AtuaHei ora m ake tonu e, Ka waiata ki a MariaHine i whakaaeWhakameatia mai he whare tangataHine protu, hine ngkauHine rangimrieKo te whaea, ko te whaeaO te ao. Retrieved 12 July 2009. Whakatupuranga Waikato-Tainui 2050 is the blueprint for cultural, social and economic advancement for our people. [4] In Hoeta Te Hata's account, however, the rituals were carried out by a nameless tohunga (priest), Waitapu came home already pregnant, and Te Ata-inutai planned to kill his grandchild if it proved to be male, but Waitapu covered the baby's front and tricked him into believing that she had given birth to another daughter. To grow a prosperous, healthy, vibrant, innovative and culturally strong iwi. Our most valuable possessions we hold as an iwi are the teachings given by our ancestors, taonga tuku iho, handed down from one generation to the next. district captured him and headed back. So our approach for moving forward is one that embraces change and focuses on supporting our marae and tribal members by optimising our resources, leveraging our relationships, and exhibiting efficient practices. He led the war party down the Waikato River, along the east coast of Lake Taup. raiders attacked Taranaki again, 350 of them were Description: Backgrounds the waiata, which tells a story of Reitu and Reipae, ancestors of the Tainui people located at Tuakau; one of 12 waiata composed for his 2017 Masters of Applied Indigenous Knowledge 'Tales of the singing fish : He tangi wairua'. Many are celebrations which reaffirm our identity as Tainui waka and as protectors of the Kiingitanga movement. Whakatupuranga Waikato-Tainui 2050 is the blueprint for cultural, social and economic advancement for our people. Post to Pinterest Post to Facebook Post to Twitter. We actively work to protect our rights and interests in freshwater. Waitoetoe River - Wikipedia Speak Language. contact with the elders - then so suddenly, all gone. Te Rauangaanga was a chief of the Ngti Mahuta hap of the Waikato tribe and principal war chief of the tribes of the Waikato region of northern New Zealand. Waikato-Tainui hold numerous events throughout the calendar year. Contact our Media team if you have questions, need additional comments, or interviews. Amohia Ake is the culmination of ACCs partnership with Waikato-Tainui, with Tainui Group Holdings developing the new whare which will house around 800 of our people, bringing together two existing Hamilton offices. Today marked the start of construction of a new home for ACC in Hamilton. View more on how tocontact usor use this form to send us an email. In the changing global environment the world our future generations live in will be significantly different to ours. A version with translated English sub-titles has also been posted on the Facebook . Waikato is the river Maximising our collective strength to achieve our aspirations. Ko Tainui te waka, ko Taupiri te maunga, ko Waikato te awa, ko Pootatau te tangataWaikato taniwharau, he piko he taniwha, he piko he tanwiwha, "Ki te moemoeaa ahau ko ahau anake; ki te moemoeaa taatou ka taea e taatou. Consequently, in 1832, when the northern Grow our tribal estate and manage our natural resources. The plan is designed to enhance Waikato-Tainui participation in resource and environmental management. *Te aroha, te whakaponoMe te rangimarieTtou, ttou e**(repeat *- ** once), Piki ake e tama e HineI te ahurei o te Kuratini o WaikatoHe mtpono whaka koungaKa whakaata i te angit, Pupuke te hihiriPupuke te maharaPupuke te wnanga a te Kore, N ng kete i pikihia e TwhakiHe wairua, he mauri, he mana, he reoHe mramatanga, he mtaurangaHe iho o te ahurea, Purea nei e te hauHoroia e te uaWhitiwhitia e te rMahea ake ng praruraruMakere ana ng here, E rere wairua e rereKi ng ao o te rangiWhitiwhitia e te rMahea ake ng praruraruMakere ana ng Here-turi-kk, Me whakaiti ttou ki te reo karangaWhoatu te aroha (x2), Ko t ttou hiahia, kia pai te nohoKi tnei kinga, he kinga mahana, Pua te kwhai Tribes of Tainui - Waikato region - Te Ara Keyword Post Date Category Tag [14], Te Ata-inutai's head was taken to Maungawharau in the Kaimanawa Range where it was placed on a tree as a bird talisman for kakapo. Let us know how we can keep improving the experience on our website. The Waikato Raupatu claim, subject of the 1995 settlement stemmed from the inception of Kiingitanga in 1858 when Pootatau Te Wherowhero was anointed first Maaori King. We are working on a new approach for tribal-wide social procurement. on Ngamotu beach, now next to the port of New Taamaki is below [1], Te Ata-inutai was the son of Upoko-iti, a descendent of Raukawa and, through him, a direct descendant of Hoturoa, captain of the Tainui canoe. New Zealand Gazetteer. Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui (WTOT) was formed in 2008 for a roopu of Rangatahi who were asked to attend the annual New years festival in Beijing China, Founded by Tomairangi Paki the roopu had revived waiata from Taniwharau Cultural Group and Waiata from composers such as Pumi Taituha and Harata Tupaea. Listen to the Waiata: click here. It flows close to the town of Urenui . There are a range of ways we support our marae including Mahinga Kai, Whare Taonga, Taonga Tuku Iho and grants. Better data will allow us to work together and support our whaanau. Waikato-Tainui and Marutuahu agreed Framework in relation to areas of shared customary interests and the Waikato River Deed of Settlement. Ngamotu Pa 1832. by Te Rauparaha.". He probably lived in the early seventeenth century. Please read our cookie policy to find out more. Ka mate kinga tahi ka ora kinga rua. An integrated and holistic approach to achieving the social, economic, environmental, and cultural aspirations of Waikato-Tainui. As university students across New Zealand commence their first semester studies this week, we celebrate pirana Turupa Ngata (1874-1950, Ngti Porou) whose many achievements include being the first Mori to complete a degree at a New Zealand university. Amohia Ake is the culmination of ACC's partnership with Waikato-Tainui, with Tainui Group Holdings developing the new whare which will house around 800 of our people, bringing together two existing Hamilton . The king movement is based at Trangawaewae marae (meeting place) in Ngruawhia.[3]. Tai o Honipaku, Te Waikato Tainui, Waikato or Tainui is a group of Mori iwi based in Waikato Region, in the western central region of New Zealand's North Island. Wharetiki's Share this item. Tainui lands as "Nga Tai of Honipaka, composed (sic) Have two strings to your bow.) [8][9][6], After this Te Ata-inutai returned to Mount Whaka-puhunga, while Waitapu and Te Rangi-ita settled at Marae-kwhai, north of Lake Taup, near Mkai. Ko Taamaki ki raro Newspaper AGE-OLD CEREMONY (Evening Post, 16 February 1935) Date: 16-02-1935 From: Evening Post Waikato is the tribe Ngti Apakura used to live at Rangiaowhia, an undefended settlement near Te Awamutu. The name Amohia Ake takes its significance from a Waikato-Tainui tongikura (saying), Amohia ake te ora o te iwi, ka puta ki te whei ao - the wellbeing of the people is paramount.. was drying flounder on Otururu beach at the head of ancestral homelands, they chose death instead, as 134KB. Wairarapa, then Wellington, so the first line of Te Utilising our Taiao specialists and Environment Plan to produce clear, measurable standards for our wai and whenua which we can monitor and enforce. To retain our historical role as Kaitiaki o te Kiingitanga2. Mehemea he mahi pai moo te tangata, mahia, A high performing organisation making an impact. We present to you the ever-evolving Waikato-Tainui story. Media releases, ACC and Tainui Group Holdings partner to create new home for ACC in the Waikato. Corporate, Te Ata-inutai was a Mori rangatira (chieftain) of the Ngti Raukawa iwi in the Tainui tribal confederation based at Whare-puhunga in the Waikato region of New Zealand.He led an attack against Ngti Twharetoa on the south shore of Lake Taup, as a result of disputes arising from the Ngti Tama-Ngti Twharetoa War and forged a peace treaty with the Twharetoa chieftain Te Rangi-ita . Waikato Tainui - Wikipedia Ka whakamiri noa i toona aratau, Its primary goals were to cease the sale of land to Paakehaa, stop inter-tribal warfare, and provide a springboard for the preservation of Maaori culture in the face of Paakehaa colonisation. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Following the 1995 Waikato Raupatu Settlement, a governance model was implemented that incorporates a democratic structure. Discover businesses in the Waikato that are owned by our very own tribal members. Our organisation is a taonga that needs protection and investment to ensure that it is equipped to deliver for the present and ready for the future. More than 700 years ago the Tainui canoe mored at its final destination on the Kaawhia coast, by the famous Pohutukawa known as Tangi Te Korowhiti. It is a long-term development approach to building the capacity of Waikato-Tainui Marae, hapuu, and Iwi. This map shows the principal tribes, and their traditional territories, both within and near Waikato. Tomairangi establised Waikato Taniwharau o Tainui in 2008, a roopu of rangatahi who were invited to the New Years festival in Beijing China. Explore the range of grants, subsidies, scholarship and health assistance opportunities currently available to tribal members. Whatahoro (1913), The State of Mori RightsMargaret Mutu (2011), Mau Moko: The World of Mori TattooNgahuia Te Awekotuku, Linda Waimarie Nikora, Mohi R. Rua, Rolinda Karapu and Becky Nunes (2007), Te Toi Whakairo: The Art of Mori CarvingSir Hirini Moko Mead (1986), Mori Television: The First Ten YearsJo Smith (2016), Ptea Whakairo: Mori and the Written WordBradford Haami (2004), The Coming of the MaoriPeter H. Buck (1949), Sociocultural Realities: Exploring New Horizons - Angus McFarlane, Sonja McFarlane & Melinda Webber (2015), Hkoi: Forty Years of Mori ProtestAroha Harris (2004), Ng Mteatea: He Maramara Rere n ng Waka Maha; The Songs: Scattered Pieces from Many Canoe AreasApirana Turupa Ngata (19281988), Ko Tahu, Ko Au: Ki Tahu Tribal IdentityHana ORegan (2001), Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou: Struggle Without EndRanginui Walker (1990), A Korao [krero] no New Zealand; or the New Zealanders first book; being an attempt to compose some lessons for the instruction of the natives Thomas Kendall (1815), A Whakapapa of Tradition: One Hundred Years of Ngti Porou Carving, 18301930Ngarino Ellis (2016), Colonising Myths Mori Realities: He Rukuruku WhakaaroAni Mikaere (2011). It is part of the larger Tainui confederation of Polynesian settlers who arrived to New Zealand on the Tainui waka (migration canoe). On his way home, however, Te Ata-inutai was ambushed and killed at Waipapa, below the Pou-a-kani cliff by a war party of Ngti Twharetoa led by a rangatira called Kewha (according to Pei Te Hurinui Jones), in revenge for the earlier deaths of Hine-te-ao and Waikari. tide, and with the flocks birds following it; full of Parekawhia McLean, Chair of Te Whakakitenga o Waikato, the Waikato-Tainui parliament, said the new home for ACC in Hamilton is a case study in the successful commercial development of whenua that came back to the iwi through the 1995 settlement process, and will produce benefits for all. Listen to the Waiata: Te Ata-inutai's forces attacked the fort, but its defences were too strong for them, so they settled into a siege. A ptere by Te Whnau-a-Apanui for the children drowned in the Motu River in 1900. . Each tribal group has marae (meeting grounds), which usually includes a wharenui (meeting house). In 2004 a completely redesigned and reset edition was published by Auckland University Press and the Polynesian Society. Music Student. Te Rauparaha's Ngati Toa people right out of the We currently utilise Chubb Insurance (through Willis Tower Watson, the broker). About Us - Waikato-Tainui PDF Significant Amenity Landscape 1. 2. Waikato River - Margins 3 24 April 2023. And recently I have bought all 4 volumes of Apirana Ngata's Nga Moteatea. [2][3], Ptatau Te Wherowhero, the first Mori king, was a member of the Waikato hapu (sub-tribe) of Ngti Mahuta, and his descendants have succeeded him. Tai o Ngamotu, Ko Based at Ng Whare Waatea marae in Mangere, it is located in the middle of the biggest Mori population in Aotearoa. Find our press releases and other media here too. Whether its a whare or a new pakihi this is a great way to turn your dreams into a plan. Maori Songs. This video follows the journey by waka along the Waikato River as described in the well known traditional chant composed by Rangi Harrison called "Waikato te awa" (The Waikato River). which means that www.govt.nz might not display properly on your device. [4], During the Ngti TamaNgti Twharetoa War the Ngti Twharetoa ariki, Waikari had attacked and killed the Ngti Raukawa rangatira Pout, who was a cousin of Te Ata-inutai. The opportunity we have through combining our collective strengths is to identify and endorse the return on investments that have both an economic and social return for our tribal members and marae. Ka mtakitaki iho au ki te riu o WaikatoAn nei hei kapo kau ake mkuKi te kapu o taku ringa,Ka whakamiri noa I tna aratau,E tia nei he tupu pua hou.Kia hiwa ake au I te tihi o Pirongia,In hei toronga whakaruruhau mnaKi tku tauawhirotanga.An! We have added a section of Mori proverbs or whakatauk that you can learn and use. This page is not available in other languages. Over time those same uri whakaheke begat the tribes of Waikato, Hauraki, Maniapoto and Raukawa. According to him, Te Ata-inutai was taking his oldest grand-daughter, Pare-kwa, back to Marae-kwhai. 53, pp 170 -173, and the Ngarimu Souvenir Programme, page 20 for the English version and commentary]. In his mind's eye, he was one of those esturine birds. Waikato Tainui, Waikato or Tainui is a group of Mori iwi based in Waikato Region, in the western central region of New Zealand's North Island. TGH aims to maximise return on investments and assets. Tribal history and places - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand Its a fifty-year long development approach to building the capacity of our iwi, hapuu and marae. form "Te Tai o Ngamotu," that was collected for Grey's Nga Moteatea, as shown below. Ngati Toa stealthily evacuated Te Century, when some Maori were forced from their Our focus is on optimising outcomes, increasing efficiencies and facilitating future partnership and procurement opportunities for tribal members. Over these past 12-months, our iwi has been guided by the tongikura from Kiingi Tuheitia, Amohia ake te ora o te iwi ka puta ki te whei ao to protect the wellbeing of our people is paramount. If you are in NZ, you can hunt for it at your local library or Kohanga Reo. The migratory waka Tainui ended its journey from Tahiti at Kawhia. The College is the critical connection to the education ecosystem (through partnership opportunities with other education partners, marae and tribal member capability building and research.). Te reo Maaori me ngaa tikanga o Waikato are an important part of our identity and sense of belonging. Explore the range of grants, subsidies, scholarship and health assistance opportunities currently available to tribal members.

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waikato tainui moteatea