The balance between offense and defense depends on geography, technology . The second line stretched should be a back-up line of the same size or larger than the first line deployed. Look for a box or option labeled Home Page (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) or On Startup (Chrome). Cited in Grubb, Protection of Shipping, 4. and manufacturers. But at sea there is no such thing as purely defensive warfare. By giving up the offensive, Mahan believed, the Navy gives up its proper sphere.23. As one of approximately fifty personnel of 1st battalion, 32nd Infantry who survived Task Force Faiths retrograde east of Chosin, Lt. Hugh R. May later remarked, I cannot remember one minute spent on training for a withdrawal action for anything above a squad or platoon. The Navys lack of thinking on sea denial means it is doctrinally, materially, and psychologically unprepared to dispute control of the sea. This may mean sacrificing the building on fire to save others that are not involved. A defensive operation should be initiated when fire conditions prevent an interior attack such as when the structure is unsafefor firefighters to enter and nocivilian lives can be saved and when the fire is beyond the control of hand lines. 10.11.2007 . Make sure fire is extinguished in all sides. In an earlier thread discussing the balance between different Fighting Styles, I am not sure where the theoretical balance point should be between offense and defense. Open the tools menu in your browser. I get a lot of feedback about how we should always be prepared for anything and that surprise is not an option. A defensive attack may be used to set up for a quick interior attack (transitional attack), but they should not occur at the same time. However, our lack of focus on defensive operations is a tremendous gap in our ability to retain key terrain. Offensive vs. defensive isn't about stats, but resistances. Lexipol. So what your saying basically is: we need a lot if time to get ready, and when we get that we will be busting out the whooping stick. Building a defense in any fighting game entails having a counter, mitigation, or escape strategy for every offensive onslaught you are subjected to, at any range and or position on the screen. In addition, ensure that initial risk assessment has confirmed that the structure is not so involved that collapse is imminent, fire dynamics are understood, truss impingement times can be estimated with some accuracy, OSHA's two-in-two-out policy is adhered to and that sufficient resources are present to deal with both fire attack and rescue tactics. In each of these cases, the US Army massed soldiers and material, unmolested, preceding an eventual total military victory. Exposure lines work best by cooling the exterior of the exposure being protected, then additional lines may be effective when water is put on the original fire. View our Terms of Service Missing too often is boring and a downer. It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for law enforcement agencies and police departments worldwide. As a result, the Navy was unprepared when mines reemerged during the Korean War. Copyright 2023 Police1. So when I look at balance, I don't think about too hard whether one player can beat another, but rather what a player can contribute, similar to what [MENTION=20564]Blue[/MENTION] said. Experience can be a problem when you run into something outside of your experience and have to handle it. Is there a difference between offensive vs. defensive/surprise encounter shooting?. I believe our military takes this issue of high importance and are seeking innovative results constantly. Yet experience shows that too much focus on offense at the expense of defensive war-fighting is fraught with great danger. Health risks are an inherent part of boxing, but that risk can be reduced by having a good defense. As close as possible is best, but a slight preference to offense speeds the game up. 24. 19. But this is where the issues begin. At some point, Im invariably asked, What do you think, Ron? Since 1945, the U.S. Navy has had 14 ships damaged by mines, while only 5 ships were damaged by other hostile actions.22. Harrison (Brandon) Morgan is an active duty Army infantry officer. Boxing defensively usually has a large emphasis on movement whereas offensive boxing is more focused on punching. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The articles and other content which appear on the Modern War Institute website are unofficial expressions of opinion. Naval Doctrine Publication 1 (NDP-1) Naval Warfare (2010), the Navys foundational operational document, does not clearly define sea control. The incident commandermust announce the strategy when changing from offensive to defensive and ensure all personnel are aware of the fact and that a PAR is completed prior to a complete tactical shift. Hi everyone. And, as someone who thrives in the calculated and mental exercise defensive play allows, I'm conflicted as I notice many people relentlessly arguing that offense is unequivocally the direction fighting games should lean. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Copyright 2023 Students must become habitually ingrained with the need to dig individual and vehicle fighting positions immediately upon acknowledgment of a long halt. Lessons from Stalingrad, Paratroopers in Poland: Lessons from the 82nd Airborne Divisions Deployment to Europe, Join Us This Friday for a Livestream with Ambassador Michael McFaul and Secretary Chuck Hagel, Frank Sobchak Joins MWI as Chair of Irregular Warfare Studies, Announcing the Modern War Institutes 202223 Senior and Research Fellows, Call for Submissions: Civil-Military Relations and Modern War. Request product info from top Police Firearms companies. Experiential Training and Technical Training. They should go fast, stay quiet.19 Yet MSC will be expected to move some 90 percent of Marine Corps and Army gear to sustain operations ashore. warns about handing out too many defensive items. My primary sergeant, Dalton Carr, told me straight many years ago when he said, Ron, make the first shot count, you might not get a second.. The operation must first begin with size-up to enable the incident commander to decide which mode to operate in offensive or defensive. You should always check for hidden fires. A spellcaster is going to want to focus on AC and damage avoidance due to Concentration more than they'll want HP. and Privacy Policy. It was not until May 1942, nearly six months after the United States entered the war, that the U.S. Navy introduced its own convoys. Baseball philosopher Yogi Berra once said, Good pitching will always stop good hittingand vice-versa. Something similar is true of offensive and defensive naval warfare. Anxiety is a primary causative factor in performer failure and is also a motivating factor in many seeking training or a drill or response to mitigate their anxiety. This is my first time posting/existing in this subreddit, and it's mostly because of this topic, of which I've become very passionate. Company officers must direct the activities of the crew, not operate the nozzle. Defenders are typically defending at the invader's attack point, but often counterattack against the invader's . You have no reasons why hp was more important on either fighter or barbarian than ac. A Leaders Guide to Conducting Research Staff Rides, doctrinal hierarchy of the four elements of decisive action, 140,000 US and Filipino soldiers were either killed or captured, How Long Should Ukrainian Forces Defend Bakhmut? However, the general consensus is that boxing is technically more dangerous, at least in the department of acute, Read More Is Boxing Safer Than MMA Truths & MythsContinue, Boxing is a good base for Mixed Martial Arts but it isnt the best. Both fighters were great in their own respect but used highly contrasting styles to beat their opposition. Anxiety: A Primary Culprit On the night of November 1, the Chinese 115th Division, coupled with the Chinese 116th Division, encircled and destroyed the US regiment, completely unaware of the mass Chinese intervention into the Korean War. Imposing sea control close inshore may require the control of key geographic areas such as straits or peninsulas through seizure and/or defense of key terrain ashore.9 The authors conflate actions aimed at obtaining sea control with ones that are part of exercising it. Acclimation is the key here to allow people to learn to process, decide and operate at the speed of real world engagements. Copyright 2023 Or which size bag do, Read More Boxing Bag Size Guide (With Cheat Sheets! The lack of this knowledge was quite evident at Chosin. Given the historical tragedy of the destruction of the 31st Regimental Combat Team during its retrograde, how many of todays Army units above the platoon level can say they are thoroughly trained in conducting a retrograde of any type? 11. Andthe rapid location, confinement and extinguishment of the fire depend on proper hose selection and placement. By Lineal Boxing December 29, 2021. Do you see fighting games as needing balance, or an imbalance in one direction or another? It is simply one facet of the game and the way its implemented is completely different in the two sports due to the fundamental differences between them. All rights reserved. Decisive victory at the Battle of Midway in June 1942 created conditions for a shift to the strategic offensive. Strange as it seems, the best defensive optimization in D&D is hit point opitimization. Have a defensive lineman and offensive lineman lineup on the line of scrimmage facing towards one another Floyd Mayweather Jr is the most iconic example of a defensive fighter in recent boxing and because of how little damage he took throughout his career, he was able to box professionally for nearly 20 years. I've been fiddling with some things, but I realized that I'm not 100% sure of my own starting assumptions in one specific area of game balance. Like ac. in all that time I've probably dug just a handful of foxholes and never dug (or seen anyone else dig) a true fighting position (armpit deep, overhead cover, etc.). I can't tell you how often I have heard, "We are an aggressive interior firefighting department." The premise of boxing is to hit and not be hit. Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama blocked 184 military promotions Tuesday in the latest chapter of his protest against the Pentagon's new abortion policy . The Navys understanding of sea control is unsatisfactory, at least judging by current doctrine. This is a mindset. It need not be exact if you have an adaptive mindset and can use your imagination properly. These are a few techniques that fighters use to remain as elusive as possible while using an aggressive style: Since the focus of these two styles is different, the training involved is quite different as well. I'm not going to look at specific numbers here, and perfect balance may not be attainable, but I'd like to know where everyone's thoughts lay. You are using an out of date browser. Offensive, on the other hand, has an unmentioned siege ability boost, which introduces advantages of its own and makes it better than quantity for a large number of scenarios. With the 115th pick, the Chicago Bears . Are there units in the US Military who fight a defensive doctrine already, and is it possible to fall back to them and integrate into their defensive perimeter? While boxing geniuses like Floyd Mayweather Jr used brilliant defense to outclass their opponents. Offensive Behaviors. All preventive, defensive and offensive measures taken to reduce the vulnerability of forces, individuals and property against terrorist threats and/or acts, to respond to terrorist acts. It would be interesting to see how combined warfare would work in retrograde and where the planners would draw the final line of defenses. A Mahanian cult of the offensive permeates today's U.S. Navy. And the situation can vary even within different parts of the same theater. Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. Our enemy sees our strength. All rights reserved. StackPath. Calmness under duress is built by both training and experience and knowing what to expect and how to deal with it. He commissioned from the United States Military Academy in May 2013. Our corporate culture must be the concept that no property is worth a firefighter's life. Capt. Defensive are terms that we're familiar with when talking about football, video games, or other sports. I just completed the reserve version of Maneuver Captain's Career Course and since we only have one month instead of five months the two OPORDs are both offensive. And the Navy lacks frigates and multipurpose corvettes for escort duties. Truth or MythContinue, There are hundreds of excellent boxing bags in the market. During the sustained campaigns of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, the relative security of US Army combat outposts from enemy firepower decreased the need for focusing on deliberate defensive operations. On November 27, with the X Corps spread thin by their rapid advance, the Chinese 9th Army Group launched a massive offensive pushing all US and Korean forces under Maj. Gen. Ned Almondss X Corps into the sea in a rapid retrograde. A comparably dangerous situation might confront the U.S. Navy should the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation become allies or coalition partnersor merely cooperatein case of a war in the western Pacific. Although it sounds confusing, an offensive style can be a form of defense as well. Cats that fight due to play aggression and . Retrograde operations are completely unheard of and after recently finishing This Kind of War the lessons that were bitterly learned in Korea have absolutely been forgotten. RADM Alfred T. Mahan, USN (Ret. Then let the situation show you the correct level of force required, if any. Camouflageof soldiers, their weapons, and vehiclesusing the surrounding terrain must be enforced by all leaders during all phases of the operation. 3. Great weapon fighting and two weapon fighting are considered more "fun," since you feel like you're doing more, even though making attacks miss is the equivalent of healing damage. These are some exercises commonly used by fighters when training offense and defense: Offense: ), Naval Strategy: Compared and Contrasted with the Principles and Practice of Military Operations on Land (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1911), 153. He now serves as the brigade battle captain. Your email address will not be published. This process is automatic. Would elements fall back to a pre designated position like a port, airfield, or terrain feature? Defensive utility requires offensive presence. Factors to consider when establishing collapse potential include: You should consider the placement of apparatus to prevent injury or damage when the initial or subsequent structures collapse. Reduction of anxiety is accomplished by commitment, acceptance, situational awareness, preparation and experience/adaptive thinking. 10. However, an issue that lots of new boxers face with the offense strategy is that they arent experienced enough to properly use it. Having a strong defense also protects fighters from taking unnecessary damage. The fate of the former IJN should serve as a stern warning to the U.S. Navy not to neglect any aspect of warfare because it is defensive. Advanced technology is insufficient to win a war against an enemy brilliant in both tactics and operational art. It is interesting that you should bring this subject up now:, In his seminal work On War, Carl von Clausewitz famously declared that, in comparison to the offense, "the defensive form of warfare is intrinsically stronger than the offensive." This is largely due to the defender's ability to occupy key terrain before the attack, and is most true when there is sufficient time to prepare the defense. We need a better balance for training for warfare and preserving our environment. And the first defensive line should be placed to protect life, and emergency egress, then placed to protect the most endangered exposure. Offensive vs. I'd prefer to see an offensive style increase your damage by about 20% over baseline, but a defensive style increase your survival time by about 50%. Jrgen Rohwer, Der U-Boot-Krieg: Die Schlacht im Atlantik (19391945), in E. B. Potter and Chester W. Nimitz, Seemacht von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (Herrsching: Manfred Pawlak Verlag, 1986), 535. Utilizing the immortal words of Gen Patton: "A static position is a monument to the stupidity of man." Quality doesn't sound very attractive as the first idea group, but it also boosts ship strength, which can be useful for maritime powers. 15. As a battalion staff officer at a recent IBCT warfighter exercise we had to go dig out the FMs to plan a defensive operation as even the Majors (S-3 and XO) with 20+ years of experience had never really planned a defensive operation certainly not at the battalion level. Truth or Myth, Boxing Bag Size Guide (With Cheat Sheets! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Spot on. Fire Engineering Staff. Sandra I. Erwin, Shallow-Water Mines Remain Achilles Heel of U.S. Navy, National Defense (January 2002), 16. It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for fire service professionals worldwide. I know that in 5e magical armor is far rarer than magical weapons, and that is a good thing. This is largely due to the defenders ability to occupy key terrain before the attack, and is most true when there is sufficient time to prepare the defense. Look for a box or option labeled Home Page (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) or On Startup (Chrome). ), Is Boxing Safer Than MMA Truths & Myths, Is Boxing Good For MMA Detailed Explanation. Both U.S. and European officials have estimated that Ukrainian troops have faced as many as 120,000 casualties since the start of Russia's invasion in February 2022, reported The Washington Post. Sustainment of a force in retrograde is also particularly challenging, as forces will have to plan for cannibalization of vehicles, resupply on the move, and securing the movement of wounded personnel, all while in contact with an enemy seeking complete destruction of the formation. Sea control is, after all, the key prerequisite for ensuring the safety of military and commercial shipping, conducting amphibious landings, destroying enemy coastal installations, providing support to friendly forces on land, and protecting territory from seaborne invasion. and suppliers. What types of warfare are we forgetting! Nor has the Navy paid much attention to coastal defense, another result of uncritical acceptance of Mahan. Hence, Carl von Clausewitzs dictum that attack [is] the weaker and defense the stronger form of war does not apply to naval warfare.24 The reason is navies operate in a very different physical environment than armies. Offensive Aggression in Cats. It took some 17 months (August 1942December 1943) of hard fighting on land, at sea, and in the air before the Allies captured the Solomons. But in the context of a combined arms fight against a near-peer adversary, US Army forces will almost assuredly find themselves initially fighting in a defense. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, If you need further help setting your homepage, check your browsers Help menu, I cant breathe: Patient dies after 5 Calif. FF-medics violate policy, Chief shares details about Calif. firefighters' strip club scandal, Fla. FF files complaint over photo of chief with 'Hitler-style mustache' giving Nazi salute on duty, Video: 6 DCFEMS members placed on leave after physical fight on scene, Cracks in walls, either exterior or interior, Water flowing through exterior masonry walls, Water run-off is smaller in quantity than amount being pumped by apparatus, Truss construction with direct fire involvement for longer than 5-10 minutes. Such operations include destruction of enemy naval forces, suppression of enemy sea commerce, protection of vital sea lanes, and establishment of local superiority in areas of naval operations.8. These signals will change depending on whether they are the victim (defensive aggression) or attacker (offensive aggression). As arbitrary as this sounds, it is the only reasonable explanation for such a question. The offense is the decisive form of battle. A marginal or transitional attack is used to focus tactics on saving lives. Hardcore boxing fans will watch technical matches as well as brawls but the general public tends to gravitate towards violence. The Japanese forces held a distinct advantage in their ability to attack before US forces and their Philippine Army allies reached the mobilization strength in personnel and equipment required for the defense of the islands. Its not only our planning that keeps our service men and women alive but our stream of knowledge and Global Power to take immediate action and keep our adversary accountable. 21. Our leaders are fighting this covert battle and we should also. interacts online and researches product purchases The thing is that the game isn't all that hard, so you don't really need that much defense. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, If you need further help setting your homepage, check your browsers Help menu, Open the tools menu in your browser. I dont put myself as #1. Malcolm W. Cagle and Frank A. Manson, The Sea War in Korea, (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1957), 12627. Boxing pushes people to their limits and, Read More Does Boxing Increase Your ConfidenceContinue, Boxing training will do very little for muscle gain. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Youll often see new boxers rush in and try to unload massive shots but they get picked apart quickly and cant grasp what went wrong. Fire crews will go to this mode when it becomes too dangerous for crews to fight the fire head on. I often wonder if we have brainwashed our new personnel so that regardless of how safe the scene is, we will enter any structure to put the fire out. The Navy should heed lessons from its own history, as well as the experience of other navies, to see the results of a single-minded focus on either offense or defense. Delaying operations, like all retrograde operations, are acutely challenging. Reference ID. Updated by the minute, our Dallas Cowboys NFL Tracker: News and views and moves inside The Star and around the league . As I like to say, Your will is what gets you through the door, your skills will hopefully get you back out again.. Prior to both world wars, the overemphasis on decisive fleet-versus-fleet actions led to neglect of this defensive mission, which resulted in unacceptable losses to merchant shipping at the outset of each.13 Strategists and thinkers paid too much attention to Mahans arguments in favor of offensive action but did not heed his remarks on the importance of merchant shipping for a sea power. There is no doctrinenot a single documentthat explains the operational employment of naval/joint forces in defense of maritime trade. Living in condition OWAC (operating without a clue) is not a strategy for longevity. They are truly necessary and I see a big gap between true gunfight speed training and the speed most people shoot in training. Part of our beliefs and value system has to do with how you value yourself. My worst nightmare is the day I may have to tell one of my firefighters' significant others that their loved one will not be coming home because I gambled with their lives. While this course is supposed to increase from 4 to 6 weeks I wonder if they will incorporate a defensive operation. Since the Civil War, the US Army has been forced to conduct retrograde operations against a range of peer adversaries. Following this victory, the two Chinese divisions unexpectedly vanished back into the Korean hillsides, seemingly as rapidly as they attacked. There are no guarantees that you will live in any given situation. David C. Evans and Mark R. Peattie, Kaigun: Strategy, Tactics, and Technology in the Imperial Japanese Navy, 18871941 (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1997), 500501. The current U.S. maritime strategy asserts, We will not permit an adversary to disrupt the global supply chain by attempting to block vital sea-lines of communications and commerce.12 Protecting U.S. maritime trade cannot be accomplished without close cooperation between the Navy and other services, other government organizations, the private maritime industry, the scientific community, and universities. When trained thoroughly, mentally, physically, and visually in true reactive shooting, there is no difference between 'offensive' and 'defensive' shooting. Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III said the U.S. expedited its timeline for supplying Ukraine with American M1 Abrams tanks . These 3 major offensives demonstrate the ability of a peer adversary to detect and exploit US Army forces ill prepared to defend against a determined surprise offense. In addition, consider hazardous processes when deploying initial lines; they may endanger multiple occupancies. Tactics Tutorial. Even if they've been captured somewhere in doctrine it does little good if most Soldiers aren't aware of it, and virtually none have trained on it. A good defensive boxer will not only minimize their damage but look to box circles . 14. Yet experience shows that too much focus on offense at the expense of defensive war-fighting is fraught with great danger. Fourteen months into the conflict, the Ukrainians have suffered staggering losses around 100,000 casualties with many of their top . There can be a difference if were truly mentally surprised you were not ready to respond when it happened and that causes you extreme anxiety. Mental and Operational Preparation Mine warfareespecially mine countermeasuresis another area to which the Navy has paid scant attention. Saying the same thing again doesn't make it true. It is established through naval, joint or combined operations designed to secure the use of ocean and littoral areas by ones own forces and to prevent their use by the enemy.7. 5. This also happens to be the most difficult thing to do in the sport, landing your own shots without absorbing any yourself is an art very few can master. A former police officer, as well as a martial artist, Ron broughtthat experience into the training environment. 16. Of course, not many fighters can emulate Mike Tysons style but there are ways to be aggressive and still have a good defense. Given this likelihood of facing initial offensive operations by peer adversaries, the US Army is suffering from a major training deficit on defensive operations. What is your plan? Technical training is training truly reactive shooting skills at the speed of the gunfight. Said simply, you have already made your choice of what you are going to do. JavaScript is disabled. Mine warfare has been regarded as a task that virtually any line officer can perform when the time comes, not generally appreciated as the kind of warfare that requires much training, experience, or research. Your email address will not be published. For a stronger side, a strategically defensive posture can be temporary, not the permanent condition it is for a weaker side. All rights reserved. A good example of a great fight in recent times was the trilogy between Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder. In other words, it might need to fight at least temporarily for sea denial rather than control. Image credit:Staff Sgt. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Maine, 1980), 2. Lee has a master's degree in emergency services management and a bachelor's degree in fire science from Columbia Southern University. France came close in World War, but only with the timely intervention of U.S. forces. Examples that highlight this fact include the World War II Normandy invasion, Operation Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Hey guys! I did. Also, use the most appropriate appliance to deliver the amount of water required to control the fire in the most effective fashion, such asblitznozzles for a rapid ground level attack. Before World War II, a lack of preparation for offensive use of mines against merchant ships adversely affected Navy efforts to inflict damage on Japanese shipping. The difference between offensive and defensive behavior is that offensive behavior is a first-mover action that involves the use of force to attack and reach a certain goal whereas defensive behavior is a responsive action that also uses force, but it is exhibited only to protect oneself from attacks and it does . Three prime examples demonstrate this point: First, during Japanese offensives against US forces in the Philippines from December 1941 through May 1942, 140,000 US and Filipino soldiers were either killed or captured, ultimately leading to the infamous Bataan Death March. Defense is "playing small" or being reactive. of Marines. NDP-1 defines sea-control operations as: The employment of naval forces, supported by land, air, and other forces as appropriate, in order to achieve military objectives in vital sea areas. 22. By then, the Germans had sunk 87 ships of 514,000 gross register tons off the East Coast.17 It took until September 1942 to get the complex but highly effective interlocking convoy system into place.18. The one problem with defense being stronger is it can lead to really long, dragged-out games. This is a place to talk about Game Design and what it entails. Ultimately, this has led to training that focuses almost exclusively on offensive operations at the cost of deliberate planning for the defense. He was a weapons and tactics trainer for handgun, carbine, precision rifle and shotgun, as well as advanced instructor schools, defensive tactics, low light tactics and officer survival.